In category General / Healthcare / Pharma Industry
Pharmaca expands its business – acquires a solution for organizing pharmaceutical Detailing Activities and Educational Events for healthcare professionals
In category General / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca joins forces with a Lithuanian software and solution provider SoftDent
In category Academy / General / Intelligence
How can AI help safely increase the secondary use of health data?
In category Academy / General / Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca donates skeleton, torso and brain models to Ressu IB
In category General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharma Industry
Swedish Pharma Insights Announces Change in Management
In category Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca and Medanets cooperation brings more comprehensive medication information into professionals’ pockets
In category Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Medication safety – data-driven solutions to the rescue?
In category General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca, VTT, Aalto University and Finnish Centre for Client and Patient Safety launched an Innovation Ecosystem Project for Medication Safety
In category Academy / General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharma Industry / Pharmaceutical Information / Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd renews its name and brand — aims to rocket its internationalization
In category Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca accelerates its internationalization — supplies medical information to more than 720,000 inhabitants in Central Norway
In category Academy / General / Pharma Industry / Pharmaceutical Information
Cooperation will make the Nordic region an attractive pharmaceutical market
In category Academy / General / Pharma Industry / Pharmaceutical Information
Reform of clinical trials requires operators to update their competence
In category General / Intelligence / Pharma Industry / Pharmaceutical Information / Pharmacy
Market review: Fifth consecutive year of growth in Finnish pharmacy wholesale
In category Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Information / Pharmacy
Information on medicines and the environment available in Pharmaca Fennica web services
In category Pharmaceutical Information
Environmental classification of medicines available for the first time in Finland
In category Pharmaceutical Information
Information on medicine shortages and alternative products ensures continuity of drug therapy
In category General / Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaceutical Information Centre investigated the care experience of chronically ill patients as part of the MASSE project
In category Academy / Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Information
Orion Pharma and Pharmaceutical Information Centre working together to develop the expertise of nurses
In category Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaceutical Information Centre helps in building a virtual care management system – the MASSE project improves the treatment of chronic diseases
In category General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Cooperation between Pharmaceutical Information Centre and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare helps to ensure equity of care
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