Pharmaca accelerates its internationalization — supplies medical information to more than 720,000 inhabitants in Central Norway

Pharmaca delivers structured medical data to Epic Systems Corporation’s patient information system as part of the Helseplattformen project of more than 720,000 inhabitants in Central Norway. Helseplattformen aims to build a joint electronic patient record and management system in central Norway. Hospitals, hospital pharmacies, and over 65 cities and municipalities in the region are responsible for the project.
Pharmaca supplies Helseplattformen with structured drug databases on dosage, indications for use, and suitability for the elderly (Fimea, Meds75+). Medicine databases enrich other information used by Helseplattformen, enabling, e.g., various alarms and warnings. The drug information produced by the Pharmaca integrates into the Norwegian FEST database, which contains basic information about medicines on the market in Norway. The data is updated from Pharmaca to Helseplatformen in the Norwegian language twice a month.
“There is existing demand for high-quality Finnish medicine information and expertise outside Finland. We cooperate closely with other Nordic countries and approx. 20% of our turnover currently comes from outside Finland. We can produce advanced medical information in several languages and for the needs of different countries,” says Essi Kariaho, CXO and the Director of Pharmaceutical Information.
The first implementation of the Helseplattformen system was implemented in May 2022 in the Trondheim area for approx. 200,000 inhabitants. The second deployment took place in November 2022 in several different regions of Central Norway, including approximately 125,000 inhabitants and St. Olavs University Hospital. The upcoming implementations will take place in the spring of 2023.
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