Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd renews its name and brand — aims to rocket its internationalization
Pharmaceutical Information Centre has changed its name to Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd and renews its brand to better serve its customers in Finland and internationally. The new name and brand support the company’s internationalization goals and clarify its service offering.

Pharmaca Health Intelligence was born in 1975 from a need for reliable pharmaceutical information.
“Pharmaceutical Information Centre has traveled a great and growth-oriented journey. Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd, more familiarly Pharmaca, is a tribute to nearly 50 years of development work. Not to forget Pharmaca Fennica®’s pharmaceutical information, which will continue to be the heart of the business also in the future,” says Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd’s CEO Ouli Uimonen about the name change.
During its years of operation, the company has developed from a publishing company into a technology and expert company providing health intelligence services and solutions, systematically growing its business in Finland and abroad. Today, 20% of the company’s turnover comes from outside Finland.
Pharmaca Health Intelligence produces pharmaceutical information, consulting and training services with its Nordic partners and manages the identification of medicines (Vnr service) in the Nordic countries.
Growth potential is seen both in Finland and internationally.
“Despite the long history, the name also conveys something new. Our journey to become an international provider of innovative health intelligence solutions is now more visible to others. Our vision is to be the reformer of global health intelligence,” says Uimonen.
The name Pharmaca Health Intelligence Ltd will be phased in over time
The company has lauched a new website bearing the new name and brand. The name will be phased in over time. Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd will remain as an auxiliary company name in Finland.
“On the eve of the reform, we want to thank our customers and partners for the joint journey, which continues from our side under the name Pharmaca Health Intelligence.” Uimonen sums up.
For additional information, please contact:
Ouli Uimonen
+358 40 076 0970
Elisa Nordvall
+358 50 520 5535
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