In category General / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca joins forces with a Lithuanian software and solution provider SoftDent
In category Academy / General / Intelligence
How can AI help safely increase the secondary use of health data?
In category General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharma Industry
Swedish Pharma Insights Announces Change in Management
In category Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Medication safety – data-driven solutions to the rescue?
In category General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Pharmaca, VTT, Aalto University and Finnish Centre for Client and Patient Safety launched an Innovation Ecosystem Project for Medication Safety
In category Academy / General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharma Industry / Pharmaceutical Information / Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd renews its name and brand — aims to rocket its internationalization
In category General / Intelligence / Pharma Industry / Pharmaceutical Information / Pharmacy
Market review: Fifth consecutive year of growth in Finnish pharmacy wholesale
In category General / Healthcare / Intelligence / Pharmaceutical Information
Cooperation between Pharmaceutical Information Centre and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare helps to ensure equity of care
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