Selection of physicians for DHPCs

The target group of physicians is defined by the specialty of the physicians. Also, physicians’ special competences can be used as a selection criterion. Select the target group from the list below.

Surgery specialties

•    Gastroenterological surgery
•    Hand surgery
•    Pediatric surgery
•    Neurological surgery
•    Orthopedics and traumatology
•    Plastic surgery
•    Oral and maxillofacial surgery
•    Cardiac and thoracic surgery
•    Thorax and vascular surgery
•    Urology
•    Vascular surgery
•    General surgery

Other operational specialties

•    Emergency Medicine
•    Anesthesiology and intensive care
•    Phoniatria
•    Ear, nose, and throat diseases
•    Gynecology and Obstetrics
•    Eye diseases

Internal medicine specialties

•    Endocrinology
•    Gastroenterology
•    Infectious disease
•    Cardiology
•    Clinical hematology
•    Nephrology
•    Rheumatology
•    Internal medicine

Other conservative specialties

•    Physiatry
•    Geriatric medicine
•    Dermatology and allergology
•    Lung diseases and allergology
•    Child neurology
•    Paediatrics
•    Neurology
•    Oncology

Psychiatry specialties

•    Child psychiatry
•    Adolescent psychiatry
•    Forensic psychiatry
•    Psychiatry

Diagnostic specialties

•    Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
•    Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine
•    Clinical Chemistry
•    Clinical Microbiology
•    Clinical Neurophysiology
•    Pathology
•    Clinical Genetics
•    Radiology

Other specialties

•    Sports Medicine
•    Forensic Medicine
•    Health Care
•    Occupational Health Care
•    General Practice

Special competences

•    Andrology
•    Audiology
•    Treatment of Diabetes
•    Prehospital Emergency Medicine
•    Emergency Medicine
•    Laboratory Haematology
•    International Health Care
•    Intellectual Disability Medicine
•    Pain Management
•    Pain Medicine
•    Rehabilitation
•    Pediatric anesthesiology
•    Child Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
•    Child and School Health Care
•    Pediatric orthopaedics and traumatology
•    Child Psychotherapy
•    Training of Child Psychotherapy
•    Child Rheumatology
•    Traffic Medicine
•    Pharmaceutical Medicine
•    Medical Education
•    Musicians’ Medicine
•    Neuroanaesthesiology
•    Adolescent Medicine
•    Obstetric Anaesthesiology
•    Palliative Medicine
•    Psychotherapy
•    Training of Psychotherapy
•    Addiction Medicine
•    Emergency Medicine
•    Rheuma-Orthopaedics
•    Hospital Hygiene
•    Screening Mammography
•    Eye Surgery
•    Military Medicine
•    Diving Medicine and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment
•    Cardiac Anaesthesia
•    Intensive Care Medicine
•    Healthcare Information Technology
•    Sleep Medicine
•    Insurance Medicine
•    General Hospital Psychiatry