Jaana Honkonen
Customer Service Manager
Customer ServiceJaana likes people – especially nice ones, friendly and intelligent people, which everyone at Pharmaca is. That’s why she has been at the company for more than ten years. Animals and all kinds of activities related to animals are also close to Jaana’s heart.
Mira Mellin
Customer Experience Specialist
Customer ServiceMira has a BBA in the Information Services industry and has been able to work in a variety of different customer interface positions during her career. Her free time is filled with rescue dog shenanigans, an ever-growing snake collection and an ever-changing array of hobbies.
Rikhard Mellin
Data Specialist
Customer Service, Pharmaca IntelligenceRikhard works with the frequent upkeep of the customer registry as well as assisting his team members with other customer support duties. Light entrepreneurship, cat daddy-hood, music production, playing and collecting records as well as houseplants are all part of Rikhard’s repertoire. A circular economy is also close to his heart and that’s why you might spot him at thrift stores looking for retro threads or digging in the crates of the closest record store.
Korkeavuorenkatu 35
00130 Helsinki
+358 9 6150 4950
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